For Example: Two children can kick a ball back forth between themselves easily, however once a defender (3rd Person) is introduced the activity breaks down. Without the tactical awareness part children are unable to develop their skills further. anticipate where the ball will travel, aim for the spaces). catching, kicking, striking), while at the same time introducing a progression of tactical awareness to play effectively (i.e. To effectively teach pupils the teacher needs to teach a progression of skills needed to play the game (i.e. Instead doing a keep-ball session between two teams may be more beneficial to teach the skills of throwing. In this situation a basic throwing and catching ‘game’ has become a mundane drill. A simple-modified activity of throwing and catching in small groups could be deemed a game for KS1 children but not for KS2. However, practitioners need to understand what constitutes a game for their pupils. Looking at the concepts above I feel that TGfU is applicable across all key stages including EYFS as it engages the children and gets them doing an activity that they enjoy doing. Games must match participants’ skill and challenge. All participants are involved and have importance.Ĥ. Teach the game in its simplest format- then increase complexity.ģ.

(2008) stated that physical education taught through TGFU must adhere to the following requirements:Ģ. Therefore, I agree with Bunker and Thorpe (1982) that teaching activities by playing games is better for skill development. Moreover, Butler et al. However, children can become bored quicker and not understand how this skill is applicable in game environment. Indeed, at times teachers will use a drill-based activity to help support the learning, manage behaviour and ensure children understand the key teaching points. I do understand that both approaches (Traditional and Game Based) do enable for the aspects mentioned above to be achieved. There are other variations depending on equipment, age and etc).ģ. Now teams break off and you do same activity, but children implement teaching points without defenders.Ĥ. Now do Keep Ball game again (4vs 2, 3vs 3).ĥ. Match (5 vs 5) Can have bonus chest pass points). Children freeze with hands in correct chess pass position. Warm-Up (Stuck in mud but children have no ball and freeze in star)ġ. However, I want you to consider which one sounds more likely to relate to a real game of Hi5 Netball and be more fun for the children?ġ.

See table below for an example of difference. In both situations children learn the Chest Pass. They start to develop technical, tactical skills and can understand why they are doing an activity. Whereas a game-based approach to learning is where children learn a skill though a game. By doing it in practice I have witnessed how much more the children have progressed and are enjoying the lessons more. Drills are defined as discrete practices that children learn a skill without the concept of any game awareness. Prior to attending, my PGCE in 2017 I was semi-aware of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGFU approach of teaching physical activities, however whilst at University and conducting my Netball Level 2 and teaching in this way I gained a greater appreciation of the method. The one that I have found most useful is the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU Bunker and Thorpe, 1982). There are a variety of teaching methods to achieving those goals during a PE lesson.